Saturday, November 30, 2019

Too Many Harp Seals?

In a recent news story by NTV News of Newfoundland and Labrador Canada, the FFAW declared that there were too many harp seals and that this was negatively affecting cod stocks in the province. One of the primary food sources of harp seals which live in the Atlantic Ocean near the island, is cod. Cod was once one of the biggest industries in our province, but because of overfishing, there was a cod moratorium put in place in the early 90s. Ever since then, there have been official attempts to revive the cod stock.

That's where the seals come in. Because they eat so much cod, they say they are essentially bringing cod to extinction in some areas. People are surprised to learn that there are around 6 million Atlantic harp seals in and around Newfoundland. That's 10x more than people in the province.

The Fishery, Food and Allied Workers Union says it is time for the federal government to "reduce" the number of seals in that area. How they will do this wasn't mentioned. Most likely it would involve some kind of federal incentive to harvest more seals. There is a quota that is set every year. I am not even sure if they reach this quota. But it seems the FFAW would like the government to enact actions that will lead to increased culling of seals in this area.

Seals are used in many different ways. One of the most important is in the production of Omega-3 seal oil capsules. These capsules contain not only Omega-3 but related compounds such as EPA, DHA, and DPA. Very healthy supplement. Go to to get some for yourself or your family.

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